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Teacher Kink
If you are wondering what teacher kink is, let me tell you an awesome story…
You are watching her flirting with your classmates guys, damn you think, she’s so f*cking sexy. Her heels click as she moves around the classroom, issuing instructions and losing control you stare at her, transfixed, slowly nodding in a false show of understanding.
You wonder what it’d feel like to hike her mid-length skirt to her slim waist, to slip off the lace pantyhose adorning her long legs. You wonder how she’d taste and if she’d linger, sweet or tangy on your tongue.
You could feel this young woman already, slimy against your fingers as she begs you to take her on the wooden desk in her office and your toes curl in your shoes, beads of sweat form against your forehead as your growing erection grazes the cotton fabric of your uniform.
Light taps from your friend hit your shoulder and you’re transported back to reality. You look up to see her writing on the blackboard and you curse under your breath.
The goosebumps and hot flashes you probably felt while reading this might just be an indication that you have a teacher fetish. Don’t fret, it’s vastly popular and even goes beyond the constraints of education as it is experienced by students of all levels and non-students alike. In essence, a teacher fetish is normal and with proper navigation by two consenting adults, harmless.
Students have had crushes on their professors for as long as education has existed and for as long as it would exist, the notorious teacher kink is going nowhere.
A couple of factors come into play as far as teacher fetish is concerned ranging from the affinity to an attractive person (I mean who doesn’t love a hot teacher) to power dynamics in the classroom.
Keep reading to see this kink in a way like never before.
What Was so Attractive about Your School Teacher?
Everyone has had a crush. It is canon to say that every one, at some point in their lives has had that one person that made activities a lot more tolerable. For some, it was their colleague, that cute boy or girl that made you pay extra attention in the shower, and caused you to pick out your outfits more intentionally. We see you, we’ve all been there.
For the majority of these crushes, the recipient was a person in higher level of authority, which in this case, is a teacher. Did you ever have that one teacher that made you pay attention more in classes, the one that ran circles around your mind?
Teacher kink is a word used to describe the attraction of a student to their educator. In a recent study, it was inferred that 57 percent of students find their teachers to be attractive, making this one of the most commonly occurring kinks.
Although physical appearance plays a huge role in having a crush, 75% of the students partaking in Southwester’s study admitted that their attraction was a result of their teacher’s intellect rather than looks.
While this kink is deeply rooted in the power dynamics and control that play in a classroom, with the educator being an essential power figure, there are also several possible psychological explanations for the kink. Some of these include:
Finding a person more attractive because they possess vast knowledge in a certain field is more common than you might think, especially in a classroom. Scores of studied pupils have attested to this fact, admitting that when compared to their classmates, their professors seemed more attractive because of this.
Age gap
Age also plays a role in the attraction as maturity is a trait that is admired by youngsters in an adult. In sharp contrast, some adults find the naivety of a youth to be attractive. This encourages their partners to role-play certain characters that show this innocence (e.g. age play, Adult Baby Diaper Lover, Daddy Dom Little Girl or Daddy kink).
Reminiscence of the carefree life of childhood by an adult may result in a teacher kink. Longing for younger, school days can cause fantasies in this regard.
Psychology tells us that we tend to want something more when it is out of reach. This is applicable sexually to this fetish as the unattainability of a teacher-student dynamic makes it all the more attractive to a number of people.
Extra Reasons Why You Crave for Your Teacher
There are a plethora of reasons explaining why this is a common fantasy among sexually active people, most of which based on control, experience, unattainability, and the need for extolment.
Control. The power play in a classroom balances heavily on the teacher’s duty as the helm of knowledge in the classroom. The teacher controls the pace of learning as well as the nature of disseminated information. The student’s obligation is to be imparted and move at the learning pace orchestrated by the teacher. In a sexual context, the “teacher” directs flow of pleasure and the student obeys.
Experience. Being the helm of knowledge in the classroom, a teacher is expected to be more knowledgeable than their average student population making him more experienced in the field. This is desirable sexually as more experience often relates to a better flow and an overall pleasurable encounter.
Excitement. Walking the line of being morally wrong brings a kind of sexual tension for many individuals. The dynamics between a teacher and a pupil are typically seen as off-limits, triggering a sense of appeal.
Extolment: Almost every student has had a crush on a teacher at some point, including sexual fantasies for the greater percentage. Think about your teenage self that had a crush on a high school teacher. How would you have felt if those fantasies came true? Exactly! Having a teacher fetish helps with safe exploration of an otherwise impossible goal leading to a sense of fulfillment.
Tips to Practice Role Playing
Dominance is a turn-on for many sexually active persons. Role-playing is an amazing way to key into the fantasy of teacher’s fetish as assertiveness, when done with your partner’s pleasure in mind, can be sexually stimulating for all parties involved.
To ensure optimum pleasure, here are a few key points I would suggest. Please note that my words are not law, so you’re free to tweak them into whatever form would suit your partner (you know them better than me anyway).
Consent. Consent can not be overemphasized in role-playing the teacher kink. It’s very important to ensure your partner agrees to the fantasy you’re enacting and to stay within the boundaries they’ve laid down.
Foreplay. No one likes to feel rushed and I’m quite certain your partner holds that sentiment. Foreplay is a fool-proof way to ease your partner into your teacher fantasies. Foreplay can be practised even outside sexual context and is mentally stimulating, further optimising pleasure.
Role play. We made a list of most common sexual roleplay ideas if you need inspiration to get started.
Reward. Reward and punishment involves providing rewards like sexual acts e.g. blow job or cunnilingus for appropriate behaviour and punishment e.g. impact play, edging, orgasm control, and spanking for behaviours considered to be inappropriate. For more insights on how to edge your lover or engage in impact play with them, check out relevant articles on this topic on our website.
Attire. Dressing to fit the teacher’s kink encourages fantasizing. This in return, influences the sexual pleasure derived. This attire can also include a classroom setting, canes and other materials that would help create a mental image of a classroom.
Safe words. This is an ingenious way to ensure your partner feels safe and loved when exploring. Safe words are usually mutually picked before the commencement of sexual acts with a the promise of adherence. Remember, trust is key in sexual exploration, don’t break it.
Be creative: Inclusion of phrases that appeal to the fantasy during intercourse helps to build momentum and maximize the the pleasure of both partners. Some of these phrases may include provocative bratty behaviour and questions like: “Have I been naughty?” “Have I been a good girl/boy?” “Am I being a good girl” amongst others. It’s important to use phrases that you and your partner feel comfortable with.
It is also important to understand your desire while remembering your partner’s. Their pleasure is just as important as yours.
Teacher Fetish in Your Relationship
One of the leading causes of broken relationships is a palpable lack of excitement and communication. Routines are good but can get boring really quickly in a sexual context, leading to exasperation. Keep the fire burning in your relationships by experimenting sexually with your partner, exploring new tropes for intimate moments. Allow me to suggest the teacher fetish fantasy and just before you reject my proposal, take a look at the pros:
Everybody needs a little spark or a brighter flame from time to time sexually. The addition of a teacher fetish in your fantasy might just be the spark your sex life needs to burn brightly again.
Effective fantasy and role-playing can only be possible through equally effective communication. Communication helps to smoothen out the rough edges that impede the relationships of couples, which in return builds trust and enhances the sex life of the individuals.
Safety. While we live for the thrill, never forget to play it safe. Participating in acts that would lead to bodily harm is very discouraged.
Communication and aftercare. The end goal of this is pleasure and the pleasure of your partner is just as important as yours (don’t be selfish). Communicating before, during and after sex and role-playing is essential in building a space when your partner feels cared for, reassured, safe and important.
Rhythm. Listening to your partner’s flow and going with it can not be overemphasized. It is very important to move at a pace your partner is comfortable with, promptly desisting from acts that deviate from your partner’s comfort zone.
Final Grade
Every person is different as we are all products of our immediate environment. Hence, when two or more people come together with the intention of building an intimate relationship, sexual orientation is expected to be different. It is therefore important to facilitate a space for sexual expression, one where each partner can live out their pleasurable fantasies, truly becoming, as a result, their most sexually satisfied selves.
Nobody wants to feel weird so it’s imperative that your partner knows their desires are totally normal (in order to not enforce stereotypes) as long as they are within the legal requirements (I wouldn’t want this to end in a jail sentence). Time spent carefully learning your partner’s needs is never a waste, communicate!
So, go out, cultivate your desires, make sure they are safely acted on, and become your most sexually empowered self. Good luck!